I know i promised i would get another post up about the tail end of Spencer's trip here, and trust me, i would rather be blogging than studying, but it's had to wait. On the note of studying though, i have been doing it quite a lot and i've completed two of my three finals, which went shockingly well. I expected to do well on my adventure education one but i was very nervous about marine science. It's a pretty difficult course and expectations were high. I didn't do well on the midterm and so my final grade really was riding completely on this exam. After i got my grade back from the midterm earlier this semester i went to speak to the Steve (professor) about how i can improve and he explained how i need to read his questions a bit differently and adjust how i answer them and also suggested that i study with a group for the final. I did both of these things, which was a little out of my comfort zone because all of the people i studied with just seem to operate at a higher level of intelligence...really, not to put myself down (i'm really ok with it : ) but it just was a little overwhelming because they are just smarter than i am. But this was actually really good, it challenged me to work even harder. I studied my butt off, and it really did get me somewhere! I think i did very well on the final, so i will pass marine science, wooo! It's interesting though, how i've come to better understand this professor's method of teaching and testing. When i took the midterm i was frustrated by what i considered to be far too detailed and in-depth questions to be fairly asking on an exam. But for the final i knew more what to expect and studied accordingly, even though i still felt like this testing style is a bit unreasonable. But my perspective changed as i walked out of the final exam session and it occurred to me that i really really know this information; i know pretty much the bulk of the entire course. And even though the course is done, i still have that knowledge. What i had previously considered to be unreasonably in-depth questions i now see as Steve's method of requiring us to know the content inside and out, because if i hadn't studied the information to that ridiculously detailed level i wouldn't have been able to answer most of the exam questions. I think this is just one example of how high expectations really do make a huge difference in how well we learn. What was frustration towards my professor has now turned into respect for challenging and pushing me.
I now just have one more final and 77 hours (until my family lands in NZ...but who's counting?) standing in between myself and educational freedom. And boy, i can't tell you how excited i am to come home to so many things, but especially being warm again!! Anyways, on to my main point in writing this morning. I woke up early today in order to get myself to the library at 8:30 so that i could get a good spot and get working right away. Go Jenn, right?! Well, it's nearly 11 am and i still have not started on my work. But you know what? Some things are just more important than school, and i love when i am reminded of that in the life-is-bigger-than-today way, not the i-just-want-to-waste-my-time-on-facebook-procrastinating way. This morning was one of those times.
As i am getting ready to leave this semester abroad and preparing to move on to the next stage of my life my mind has been busy with many emotions and God has been teaching me so much these last few weeks - i am excited to be able to share more of that with you over these next few weeks. But this morning i was particularly stunned by some news that i received. I found out that a friend and former co-counselor from last summer, Mike, has been diagnosed with cancer. Obviously, this is really sad and difficult news, which does make my heart ache. But that's not what has caused me to spend my morning in a renewed perspective, wanting to share this story with everyone i talk to. I got an email with the news that also said that Mike is keeping a blog. I got on his facebook page and found a link to an article about his situation. I encourage you to take a few minutes and read it. I was so encouraged by this story and i clicked the link to his blog. First of all, i love that he started the blog before he knew any of this would happen - to me that reflects even more how he is genuinely and wholeheartedly taking what God is placing in his life and just running with it. It is obvious that Mike was blindsided by this drastic change in the course of his life, and how inspiring that this has led to a vast network of acceptance, hope, and glory to the Lord. I was brought to tears several times in reading his posts and i consider myself blessed to have the opportunity to read about and share Mike's situation, and more importantly, his response to what most people will readily argue is an absolutely terrible situation.
I am so encouraged.
I ask that you read his blog. If you don't want to or don't have a lot of time or whatever, at least allow me to ask you to read just one post. I have recently been challenged to think harder about suffering and all of the tough questions that we all wonder, like "how can a loving God allow suffering?" Mike's story has been such an inspiration to me and a reflection of what our perspective needs to be as Christians. This is such a great reminder that we so need to adjust our perspectives and see this world and our lives as larger than us and about more than just today.
I am so blessed. I have been realizing this more and more each day and i'm just overwhelmed by how i will never be able to fully appreciate or even understand the extent of my blessings. Really looking forward to sharing more about the many ways that God has continued to reveal His faithfulness to me over these last few months!
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