Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Address Update

So, today i went to check on information about packages being sent to me (not that I'm demanding/expecting everyone to send packages : ) and i was told that it's best to have packages sent to the University Flats Office, which is the place in charge of my housing.  This is just an additional security thing so that i don't have to worry about a package being left on my front porch if I'm not home.  When anything arrives there they will just send me an email and i can go and get it.  If you've already sent something, no big deal (well, big deal because I'll be so very excited!) and letters can be sent directly to the previously listed address.  Here is the address for packages:

Jennifer Kimmel
c/o University of Otago Flats
105 St. David Street
PO Box 56, Dunedin 9054
New Zealand


  1. So I am thinking that perhaps you would like to receive a package...your hints are so subtle! I can tell you aren't above begging ; )

  2. Beg while you still can!!! You're cute when you grovel....
