Sunday, March 6, 2011

oh snap! peninsula & catlins [intro]

boom, coming off of one of the best weekends of my life.  It was seriously epic, and on so many different levels.  but before i get started too much, i need to share that it's late here, i'm sooooo tired and excited to sleep in my own bed, and i have to do some serious editing of my gazillion pictures before i can get the real deal up.  SO.  Below is a brief list of just a few of the many things i have to share and also one of the best photos i have from our incredible roadtrip.

1. we bought a car.  we = myself and friend Alex Moore.  I know, right?  It's the first car i've ever owned or could call 'mine' AND we drive on the other side of the road here AND she's a '94 Honda station-wagon AND her name is Lucille
2. we came across a seal or two... more like 50 throughout our travels this weekend
3. God is really good at being patient with me; if i were Him i would have given up on me a long time ago - says something about my patience : )
4. Matt made it to states in swimming yesterday - SO EXCITED for him!!
5. I got a miniature llama at a local market and we've named him Leonard.  Leonard the llama is now our official photo-bomber and likes to ride on the rear-view mirror in Lucille.  more to come from Leonard in the next post.  Until then:

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